NorthWest Kayak Anglers

Prawn spinners for Springers 101

There are many ways to catch Spring Chinook in Portland’s waterways. Many big fish are taken locally using various techniques
such as drifting eggs, trolling cut plug herring, Quick Fish, Flat Fish and Salmon Spinners.  However, my personal favorite and
most deadly technique is using Prawn Spinners. They are  deadly for much of the springtime run, and their efficiency in taking
large salmon, increases as spring passes through.

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Featured How To article: Kayak Springer Fishing for Dummies

The Rig
The job of this rig is to get your bait down to where the salmon are and allow your herring to spin freely.  

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Featured Video: Kayak Crabbing Basics

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Go or No Go

by Pelagic Paddler

Heres how I decide to “GO” or not..

Keep in mind that these are just forecasts, they can be much better and they can be much worse.  With experience, and access to several sources, you will get better and better at finding those
“doable” days.  Keep in mind if you only fish when the forecast is  “absolutely perfect” you won’t fish much.  Sometimes you just need make an educated guess and “roll the dice”,  heading to the
coast to decide if its “doable” when you get there.

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Product Review: Scotty Depthmaster Downrigger

by Zee

Kayak downrigger fishing just works - it works even better thanks to Scotty’s Depthmaster downrigger. It’s is a well-built workhorse that has no problem handling a big weight andis really easy to operate. I’ve spent over 6 months using the Depthmaster putting it through some of the nastiest to some of the best conditions that Puget Sound and various lakes could muster up and after it all there’s no other way I’d downrigger fish from my kayak.

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Kayak Downrigger Fishing 101

How-to article
Kayak downrigger fishing 101
by Zee

Kayak downrigger fishing.. Now put those two words together and you’d swear that you’ve misread it. But the truth of it all is that downrigger fishing can be downright deadly with the right equipment and techniques. But why’d you even want to use a

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