When a buddy says, "A friend of a friend told me this bridge will be a great takeout": go scout it before committing to an 8'ish river mile drift!
We dropped Kyle's truck in the dark at a supposed drift boat takeout. There was a dirt road going down, so we assumed his intel was solid. Drove my truck to the launch, and headed down river.
When we finally got to our bridge, there was no sign of a ramp, slide, or gravel bar. Just steep banks for as far as we could see downstream.
We pulled off and surveyed the situation. There was no way to get Kyle's truck down, and it was roughly a half mile hike to get around a blackberry thicket, through a swamp, then onto a muddy double track trail that was slick as owl shit for the final ascend.
Was a fun adventure even though we worked our ass' off to get skunked! A physically tough lesson learned with no fishermen or gear damaged in the process. I'll still call that a win in the end.
See the truck up on the ridge? This was after several hundred yards of dragging...
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Man I'm so jealous, that looks like a wild adventure exploring new water! :banjo:
THAT is a true adventure! Sure, anyone can buy a kayak, but you pay dearly for experiences like that!
Trips like that make for some of the best memories. I hope the friend of the friend didn't show up as you were dragging your kayak up to your truck. At least you didn't have to drag through the blackberry thicket. The fish will be biting next time for sure.
My sore calves are a good reminder of how much fun it was [emoji12]
It was definitely a kick ass adventure. I had one take on a plug that didn't stick, and saw one other roll. Out of 6 other anglers we encountered, we had the most action at that. Also found a much nicer take out for next time!
Funny you say that Mike! The friend showed up as we got back to my truck, but not the friend's friend. Of course he thought it was funny as hell and promised to kick the other guy in the shin for us.