The title and the picture should tell the story. In another thread, Capt. Redbeard referred to "the madness of AOTY". Having only been on the water twice this year I had carefully planned an predawn departure to a water body that I knew had five AOTY species and was geared up for targeting them. The drive is fairly long so leaving well before daybreak was necessary to make the morning bite. I had experienced in said water body before. Long story short, my wife's Forrester was left parked outside in the spot I usually back into to turn and leave. Normally it's inside next to my pickup but I failed to note that today. The crunching sound and impact were totally unexpected as I was leaving. So, I've spent the rest of the morning calling body shops and insurance and picking up glass chips from the driveway. My old T-11 is totally unscathed as it punched out the glass of my wife's car and the corner of the tailgate of my pickup is also ok after having crumpled he hatch.
Ouch....kayak fishing is supposed to be a cheaper alternative!
Trident 13:
Ouch, Mamma's not happy :o After narrowly avoiding a variety of incidents over time after the pre-night load I've learned to put my coffee in the car and then do a walk around to check all straps, take a look at tires, even if it's raining or nasty. Don't know if that would have helped, but maybe... I've backed up to the garage looking in the mirrors to unload and wanted to get under the overhang out of the rain. My sea kayak sticks out further than the overhang and I was just spit lucky. Good luck.
OH NO, that is a total BUMMER. Don't think you get any AOTY points for "subaru" or "hatchback".
Ouch! That really sucks!
When I'm in the truck, I cannot see my wife's MINI and have come really close to hitting it a few times.