Postings here in this forum should be about personal trials and tribulations ... actual stories of "stuff" that happened to you, that we can all learn from.
This is not intended to be a "has anyone done this?" forum, rather it's a "I did this and am setting aside all humiliation in order to share with my friends so they may learn from my mistakes" forum.
I figure we can let Wali start the first 45 thread on this forum, and by then we might have about ALL of it covered.
I figure we can let Wali start the first 45 thread on this forum, and by then we might have about ALL of it covered.
Now the question which of the many "Dont ask me how I know" stories is Wali going to start with.
ohhhh, so I guess that means you don't have any mister Sensano? :icon_scratch: :bs:
--- Quote from: Fishesfromtupperware on March 30, 2009, 11:17:44 AM ---ohhhh, so I guess that means you don't have any mister Sensano? :icon_scratch: :bs: --- End quote ---
You lead ... I'll follow ...
Well, I'll start...
SteveHawk and I were out on the Big C a few weeks ago and after he left I headed up to get my car and decided to hit the head before loading the TI. After appreciating the convenience of my dry suit's relief zipper I drove down to the ramp and moved the TI up to load. The ramp angle was shallow and I had to wade in to get the yak onto the trailer. Since I was wearing my dry suit I fearlessly headed out to waist deep water. It was then I sensed that something was wrong...my brand new Mustang Survival Tech Ops Water Rescue Dry Suit was leaking!!! What the heck? This can't be happening! After getting the boat secured I waded back out only to notice that I'd failed to close my relief zipper.
That's twice I've filled that sucker with water due to failure to zip up. You'd think I'd learn.