Forum > Waving the Bug Wand

The Fly Fishing Show West


The traveling Fly Fishing Show West will be hitting the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Wa this February 1-3. It was planned to also be in Portland but has been postponed until 2009 due to scheduling problems. Bummer.

The show features fly tying classes, authors of many well known fly fishing books, seminars on all kinds if fly fishing, casting demos, classes w/ some pretty big names, and a mini-theater w/ lots of films about fly fishing local and worldwide waters. They're going to have a beginners fly tying class where you cansit down and use their tools and materials to tie your first fly. Very cool!

There will also be exhibitors. Mostly local and NW shops and destinations but also some local manufacturers like Redington and Clackacraft and larger manf. like Orvis.

Tickets will cost: $15 for one day, $24 for two, and $32 for all three.

ALSO, there will be some huge fly fishing vacations up for raffle. One in bahamas, the others in Alaska and Montana. Unreal prizes worth up to $17,000 :o check the details here:

For more info check:


Edited to add a link to the calendar.



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