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Launching a kayak where surfers are playing....

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.... being the hard headed man I am. I disregarded feminine advice from the wife about launching a kayak in a calm area. Like a harbour or these jetty things.

So... I decided I would paddle thru 5 foot breakers.

Ocean said hell no. >:D

Tossed me off my kayak and hit me with it.

The 2nd time I decided maybe my manly days were coming to an end and I should launch from a harbour .... ( next time ... depending on how long it takes my back to feel less like I was ran over )

* hat tip to the surfers who pulled me out of the surf so I could breath  :banjo:

Mojo Jojo:
Is that what you cal having your posterior region placed in your upper appendages? Surfing zone ain't no kayaking zone without a helmet on a kayak can render you incapacitated and under water. User beware.


--- Quote ---Is that what you call having your posterior region placed in your upper appendages
--- End quote ---

fair assessment... back in the days of my youth I thrived in that environment and usually managed to accomplish the things others considered stupid... had a relapse of judgement forgetting my body doesnt do the things it used to

also doesnt shrug off the hits as well... bit stiff today

If I saw surf  large enough that surfers were present,  I think I would see it as a sign stating?

"You must have NADS of Brass and unusually large size to ride this ride"

I would then go looking for much easier means of launching.    :-\


--- Quote ---"You must have NADS of Brass and unusually large size to ride this ride"
--- End quote ---

that would have required me knowing what would happen.... chalk this one up to ignorance

just thought I should put it here for any other non ocean kayaker to read in case they dont have the constitution to withstand a full broadside of a 13 foot kayak with a wave behind it


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