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Topic: Reminder: Deep Water Rockfish Release Required on all boats  (Read 2279 times)

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Klondike Kid

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  • Location: Kenai Peninsula, AK
  • Date Registered: Sep 2016
  • Posts: 488
ADFG says: "Beginning in 2020, all vessels sport fishing in the saltwaters of Alaska must have a functioning deepwater release mechanism (DRM) on board, and all rockfish not harvested must be released at depth of capture, or at a depth of 100 feet."

Note that it makes no difference whether you fish for rockfish or ever will fish for rockfish, your boat or kayak must comply with the new law if its on the saltwater.

Here is the ADFG Announcement page which also contains extensive information on the reasons for this requirement and it provides details on manufactured and homemade release mechanisms.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Take a Kid Fishing and Hook'em For Life!  ~KK~


  • Herring
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The homemade rockfish release is easy to make and then stick in your tackle box.  By the way halibut are in to Whiskey gulch and the Kings are just starting in. Thanks for all your info.

Klondike Kid

  • Lingcod
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  • Alaska Outdoor Journal
  • Location: Kenai Peninsula, AK
  • Date Registered: Sep 2016
  • Posts: 488
I'll be rigging up a homemade jig too. Easy to snap on the line quickly. But most of my rockfish fishing is <60 feet and not an issue with the trauma. And they usually end up on the stringer anyway.

Some halibut have been caught from the Kasilof beach for over two weeks now as the fish follow the hooligan up the Inlet. Looks like salmon timing is a mixed bag this year. Copper River reds are running late, perhaps a week. Yet I got a message from a friend who provided me a photo of a guy that had four Sockeye on his stringer in the saltwater zone of Resurrection Bay river mouth caught last Sunday. Anchor kings are tracking about normal and Ninilchik kings are actually on schedule too. But Kenai and Kasilof kings are no shows so far which is unusually late for them.

I think with so many thousands of outside visitors having canceled their trips to Alaska for Cook Inlet fishing there is going to be a major BUMPER year of halibut available for the kayakers.  It should be a year to remember. Rudy set the bar two years ago at Fox Island with that 127 pounder on his salmon rod from his Hobie so that is my challenge to beat this season. If I can catch some tomcod or small pollock I hope to try fishing live bait that will get the attention of Mr. Big. heheh  It worked well in Tutka from my power boat back in the 90's.

Am hoping to do a multi-day overnight on Fox Island later this summer to fish and hopefully film some whales bubble net feeding. You can't beat $60 round trip for the water taxi.  Even for just a day trip outing.

Attached is that guy's Res Bay Reds from Sunday. I'm thinking about trying some kokanee rigs trolling for reds this year. Seward might be a good spot to give that a try.  And also along the beach at Deep Creek once the July reds are running the shoreline and the water is clear there.

Good luck this summer.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 11:22:40 AM by Klondike Kid »
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Take a Kid Fishing and Hook'em For Life!  ~KK~

