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Topic: Ain't Gonna Float MY Boat Yet~!  (Read 1927 times)

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Klondike Kid

  • Lingcod
  • *****
  • The Eagle Whisperer
  • Alaska Outdoor Journal
  • Location: Kenai Peninsula, AK
  • Date Registered: Sep 2016
  • Posts: 488
You've all heard the expression "A watched pot never boils."  Well up here in the north country a watched frozen lake never breaks up. But ya just can't help but visit them every few days to see if there are any signs of progress.

Due to a hard freeze at the beginning of winter putting down about 15 inches of ice before we finished the winter with an above normal amount of snow to blanket and insulate the ice, we are looking at perhaps another week before any anglers on the Kenai Peninsula will be able to try their new tackle in freshwater. The Kenai River is off limits as of May 1st - June 10th to protect spawning rainbows so the lakes are our only bet.

Both lakes, ARC and SPORT, are Fish & Game stocked lakes right here on the outskirts of Soldotna with four species between them.
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Take a Kid Fishing and Hook'em For Life!  ~KK~

