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Topic: Hobie rudder line / cable replacement  (Read 3273 times)

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  • Rockfish
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Hey Crew:

The rudder line on my 2017 Revolution has become very frayed. I want to fix this issue, before it becomes a bigger issue on the water.

I have browsed around the forum but cannot find any topics on this issue. I have browsed on YouTube but there are not many videos that address this issue. I have also browsed around spare part replacements on the Hobie website but cannot find the replacement lines.

Has anyone dealt with this issue? Did you replacement them yourself? Or have an authorized Hobie dealer do the replacement?

Maybe I can splice the line from somewhere?


  • Lingcod
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There is a similar recent thread about this on NCKA.

This happened to me last summer, but the mechanism of failure was entirely my fault. I'm pretty sure I braided three pieces of 40lb test and then spliced that onto the longer bit of control line. A crap fix for sure, should probably re-do it before it costs me a fishing trip.


  • Rockfish
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I work at a dealer in Seattle and repair these pretty often.  You need to search the Hobie website in the "Parts & Accessories Search" part for "control".  If you want to call me at the store on Thu or Fri (I'm off Tue/Wed) I can talk you through the various options.

Outdoor Emporium

Mojo Jojo

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Get some 30-40 lbs braided line and put 6-7 half hitches over the old line with it if you need to pull the line, that way you can use the thin braid to pull the new line back through… just did similar on a native propels rudder upgrade. Worked pretty slick.

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Captain Redbeard

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pmmpete (sp?) had a thread on this a few years ago. Basically you need to buy the control line (or similar), then you just tie it on to the line your replacing and pull it through to the other end (like pulling wire through conduit, if you're familiar with that).

I think some people use heavy duty kite line? (The kind they use for kiteboarding.) Don't quote me on that, I may have made that up.  ;D


  • Lingcod
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I replaced mine in Feb after the up/down line broke out of Depoe.
I used this kit I got from Amazon.  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004CG85ZU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The repair seems more intimidating than it is.


  • ORC_Safety
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Lutefisk, I just replaced my Addy Island rudder lines a few weeks ago with 1000 lb Spectra from SouthWindKayaks.com.

I forgot to look into ordering the smaller 700 lb Spectra for my two Revos.  I don't see the 700 lb available on there site right now. 

Just be on the search for Gray 700 lb Spectra or even Dyneema by the foot.  Waaaayyyy cheaper than buying the kits from Hobie.  Also, need to figure out how your line got so frayed. My Revos are both 2010 models and only one of them shows even the slightest sign of wear.

If you get your hands on some, I can help you swap out your line. It's a bit finicky, but easy enough to do. 

I am out in Forest Grove OR, but know Washougal well enough to wander out that way. I graduated WHS in '90 and still visit friends out there on occasion.


"If I was ever stranded on a beach with only hand lotion...You're the guy I'd want with me!"   Polyangler, 2/27/15


  • ORC_Safety
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Looks like you can get it by the foot from West Coast Sailing in PDX. I'll be ordering some myself.


"If I was ever stranded on a beach with only hand lotion...You're the guy I'd want with me!"   Polyangler, 2/27/15


  • Perch
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Just seeing this. I had the same problem but didn't notice it until it broke. It's an easy fix. To throw out another option I happened to have some 3/16 (1.75mm) spectra (or Dynema or UHMWPE or CubinFiber... I wish they'd settle on a name) that I use for tarp lines hammock camping. If you can't find it at west coast sailing that is an option. $5 for 15 feet which is more than you'll need for one line. They sell spools too and the stuff is pretty useful. It's 400 lbs breaking strength so a bit lighter, but I'd think it would be plenty strong. Here is a link:


Fish N' Chips

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I just ordered some 1.75mm line as well. My Adventure has some fraying but not to the point of replacement yet.  I figured I will set up a repair kit to have ready when it needs it.  I have some 500 lb bank line that I bet would work in a pinch for an in camp repair, but the 1.75 was pretty cheap.  I ordered mine online but West Marine carries it.


  • ORC_Safety
  • Sturgeon
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  • **RIP...Ron, Ro, AMB, Stephen**
  • Location: Forest Grove, OR
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Took my Revo apart and figured out how to do it today. So, I went ahead and replaced my up/down lines in the process. Steering lines are still good.

Tanner's Revo needs the steering lines replaced, so we'll do those tomorrow after I help Lutefisk with his up/down lines.

"If I was ever stranded on a beach with only hand lotion...You're the guy I'd want with me!"   Polyangler, 2/27/15

Captain Redbeard

  • Lauren
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Sorry to resurrect this thread, but just in case someone else stumbles on this looking for info like I did, I wanted to share my experience:

My rudder down control line on my Revo 13 exploded recently (inside the rudder drum assembly, which is kind of a weird place for it to fail, but that's a different topic), so I went about replacing it.

West Coast Sailing in Portland was very helpful, but they did not have the 700lb. Hobie control line and sold me plain 2mm Spectra control line (rated at 400lb.) instead.

I could have made the 2mm line work if I'd really needed to, but it is significantly different than the Hobie control line: the Hobie control line is thinner in diameter and a much tighter, finer weave. I suspect that the more coarse weave on the 2mm line would introduce more friction over time (even with Spectra being so slippery) where the lines rub against each other at the top of the rudder assembly. Also, it would have been extra tedious getting the 2mm line routed correctly.

The good news is that it's cheap and easy to order the Hobie control line online (right now, at least), and it's not rocket science replacing the affected part of the lines. I did find it helpful to have a helper holding the lines that go up to the controls tight while the connection to them was made with the fresh line. Protip: pay special attention to how long the lines are before you make your own so that you don't have to fiddle with it and retie it 10 times like I did.

One more helpful hint: I lubed my rudder pin and all of the rudder lines and my whole rudder assembly now feels brand new - worth a few minutes when you have the time.  8)


  • Rockfish
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And if you don't want to do it yourself and live in the Seattle area you can always give me a call at Outdoor Emporium and set up an appt for me to do it for you!


