NorthWest Kayak Anglers

Kayak Fishing => Don't Ask Me How I Know => Topic started by: pmmpete on March 17, 2016, 04:08:48 PM

Title: Stories about kayaks which fell off the top of vehicles
Post by: pmmpete on March 17, 2016, 04:08:48 PM
I think that you aren't really an experienced kayaker until you've been involved in a situation in which a kayak or kayaks came off the roof of a vehicle. 

Many years ago I was going kayaking with a friend who had strapped his kayak onto his roof rack with rubber bungie cords and no bow rope, which is a technique which I do not recommend.  We were driving down the interstate, when suddenly the nose of his kayak disappeared from view (whitewater kayaks were a lot longer back in those days).  We looked out the back window, and saw his kayak cartwheeling down the highway, and then fortunately go off into the median before another vehicle hit it.  He screeched to a stop, and as we jumped out of the vehicle he blurted out, "Dang, I wish that had been your kayak!"  Thanks a lot, Art!  The kayak was OK except for some abraded spots on its nose and sides.

Another time I was whitewater kayaking with Art and a group of friends in a new vehicle which Art had just purchased.  We had about five kayaks on top of his vehicle with two straps running over the whole row of kayaks, and as we were driving along a bumpy dirt road, the kayaks started to squirt out from under the straps.  Art came to a stop, but one after the other the kayaks slid off the roof rack, bounced off the hood of Art's brand new vehicle, and landed in the road.  Art jumped out and was rubbing at the scratches in his shiny new hood.  I asked him "What happened?" hoping I guess for some reasoned analysis of how our kayak strapping technique had been inadequate.  Art shouted "THE #$@!*& KAYAKS CAME OFF THE ROOF RACK!!!"  We all ran off into the trees and hid for about fifteen minutes until Art cooled down.

We were driving to the launch site on the Jarbidge river for a Jarbidge-Bruneau kayak trip, which involves about 60 miles of bad gravel road, with about six kayaks on top of a pickup, when they all fell off.  Art had packed some gear, including his cook kit, in the nose of his kayak, and when his kayak hit the ground it bent his main cook pot.  The lid never fit right after that.  Years later I'd see him fumbling with the lid, trying to get it securely on the pot, and I could tell that he was remembering the Jarbidge incident.

One time I was driving back to Missoula from the Alberton Gorge with a group of friends, and I forgot to strap my kayak onto my vehicle.  I got back to Missoula and discovered that my kayak was missing.  I drove frantically 45 miles back to the Gorge, scanning the shoulders and median of the interstate the whole way, and finally found my kayak about a mile from the take-out, completely unharmed.  As soon as I got up to highway speed it had levitated off my roof rack, and fortunately landed gently in some bushes.

The good news is that I have learned from these incidents, and haven't lost a kayak off a vehicle for many years.
Title: Re: Stories about kayaks which fell off the top of vehicles
Post by: Mark Collett on March 17, 2016, 07:08:48 PM

  Can't say I have ever lost a kayak from a vehicle , but I always drive a truck and most of the time my yak(s) are in the bed. Fully secured.
  I did lose a driftboat once when the bow eye came unbuttoned. Amazing how high that sucker flew when the wind caught it going 60mph. It was a fiberglass boat and the nose took a bit of damage , but I was building glass boats at that time and it wasn't too bad to fix. Still , I was pissed that it happened. Shoulda' been more diligent about connections I guess.
  I have seen a few kayaks fly off other people's rigs. An real tragedy (in their eyes). All I could do was try not to laugh and help them pick up the pieces .
  I have to disagree with ya' Pete about not being experienced if you haven't lost a kayak. I've only been doing this since 1974 but maybe I've just been lucky.
Title: Re: Stories about kayaks which fell off the top of vehicles
Post by: Fungunnin on March 17, 2016, 07:17:46 PM
Only had a boat fall off my car once ....
After a long day of duck hunting I went to pull out of the parking lot and as soon as I put the car in gear and turned my kayak slid off.

Always remember to actually tie your boat down! The glory of a plastic boat is I just picked it up off the ground and put it back on the roof rack.
Title: Re: Stories about kayaks which fell off the top of vehicles
Post by: DARice on March 17, 2016, 07:21:41 PM
When I was about 17 dad bought a new Royalex Old Town Tripper canoe. A friend and I promptly loaded it onto his 1960s Dodge truck to go catch some trout in a lake about an hour away. As we neared the lake we turned left on an inverse camber corner and the canoe flew right, landing right side up on the shoulder of the road, only to be dragged along as we stopped. A tie down hook had broken off on the turn, bow lines held. I sweated bullets.
Title: Re: Stories about kayaks which fell off the top of vehicles
Post by: [WR] on March 17, 2016, 07:24:13 PM
If I were Pete, I don't think I'd let Art drive or load my boats anymore.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Stories about kayaks which fell off the top of vehicles
Post by: Mojo Jojo on March 17, 2016, 07:29:11 PM
Only one I lost off the car was due to trying to load it on the car while it was siting at a slight right incline, sucker went up the rack and straight of the passenger side of the car landing flat on the ground next to the car, I could hear people laughing about it and what can you do but laugh and say DOH!