The Southeast Washington chapter of HOW held an event at Omak Lake on Oct. 14th. We had a great turnout with 11 veterans and nearly as many volunteers. A strong south wind kept us off the main body of the lake but we found plenty of action in the protection of Mission Bay. Well over 200 fish were caught by the participants including some beautiful big trout well over 20".
I just wanted to thank Sam Horn for helping to organize this event. Additionally, Brad's Killer Fishing Gear and Yakima Bait Company all donated tackle and North 40 Outfitters in Omak covered tribal licenses and smoked up some hot bratwurst right on the lake shore for us.
There were a lot of smiles and story telling on the lake shore at the end of the day. That is what it is all about.
Captain Redbeard:
Thanks for the post and video recap. Good stuff. Omak is still on my bucket list.
What a fantastic summary! Thanks heroes! Thanks sponsors.
Thanks for sharing your video. Job well done. Nice fish as well...