She wins the Sassiest Springer fight of the year award, stripping 90ft of line and forcing me to chase her. Herring, 26ft line out. The herring was barely touched, hooked in the corner of the mouth & trailer hook in the gullet. Whole calamari in her belly & covered in sea lice; wife says she was the best tasting salmon.
Trident 13:
Dang, that’s a hogess for sure! Beginning to wonder if the Columbia is the only water producing>5 lb fish. Nice job.
--- Quote from: Trident 13 on July 02, 2018, 09:11:34 PM ---Dang, that’s a hogess for sure! Beginning to wonder if the Columbia is the only water producing>5 lb fish. Nice job.
--- End quote ---
Trident this was actually at Pacific City. I thought I’d start the stoke for Ocean Salmon & wish all you guys the best of luck at the coast this week. They are out there anywhere from 35-135 fow feeding, putting on weight waiting for the rains. I’m looking forward to more pink fish porn as things are just heating up! It’s been June Hawg heaven from the Willamette to the coast. With tight regulations in the rivers this year, the salt may be a much more productive option. .
Paddle Ninja:
Wow! I might need to rethink my travels this weekend, I've yet to make it to PC but maybe it's time for another trip south. She isn't a football, she looks like she ATE one though.
Launched with a great crew at one of the most beautiful sunrises I’ve experienced at PC. It’s heating up. 50f at the beach, I trolled to 145-175 fow, 54f, and went 2/3 in coho including an angry chinook that I just couldn’t tame. Fish on my friends & Happy 4th!! Hugh