I notice that many folks wear a wetsuit but unzip the top ??? Seems like that just defeats the whole purpose. Which has lead me to considering what's the the best way to dress so as to stay warm, but not get hot when the sun is out. Also I want to survive taking a dip. I know I can get back into my kayak, so I don't worry about getting stuck in the water for an extended time.
I normally go out in nylon pants, non cotton thermals, fleece jacket and a wind breaker of some sort. Maybe fleece gloves if its cold.
What do you think?
I was reading this article to get some ideas.... https://thekayaklaunch.com/cold-weather-kayaking-clothing/
A couple options depending on your budget.
Chest waders + belt + splash top/dry top + another belt (if needed). With applicable non cotton under layers.
New or used dry suit. With applicable non cotton under layers.
I started with the waders, belt and dry top and this worked really well for several years until I ponied up for a drysuit.
Yeah, I’ve never been much for waiters myself. I guess I just see them as filling up with cold water if anything were to happen.
Good video from Tyler about waders in a kayak.
--- Quote from: Asully503 on December 23, 2023, 09:09:08 AM ---Good video from Tyler about waders in a kayak.