Forum > Product Discussions

Goodbye, Ocean Kayak

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--- Quote from: Yarjammer on August 05, 2024, 07:19:06 PM ---I just retired my OK P13 and was shocked by the changes in the industry.  It seems the only brand still with a recognizable product line is Hobie.  The sub-$1k offerings have pretty much vanished entirely along with SOT's designed to be paddled more than leisurely in flat water.  The pedal and motor offerings are insane.

Much like Richard, my OK still beckons but it needs some serious reconditioning after sitting unused for quite a few years.  In the mean time I'll be in my stubby & chubby Tupperware (Lifetime Tamarack Pro).

--- End quote ---

Yarjammer.  OMG, he lives!


Says the semi invisible man who helped pioneer kayak fishing in PNW.


I see Tyler agrees with some of us.

I went to a HOW event this last summer and if I recall I was the only one with a paddle that wasn't a back up drive.  My Stealth may be long and gangly on land, but cruises past most of those peddle powered barges going out, coming back in I had fight getting wind cocked, but still cruised in respectfully.  I helped load a couple of the two up Hobies, and I thought I was lifting a small dingy damn heavy compared to the 555.  But I agree with the previous comments most companies are building smaller and wider yaks and not really "salty" IMHO.

the more i dig into this the worse it gets. I think we hit peak Kayak back aboit 2011. Anything after that , well we see the current market results.

Even the old "2nd tier" yaks like Vibe and Native have gone the bass barge route.

What's the old saying about markets defaulting to the lowest common denominator ?



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