There's been a few threads about what you need to wear to go kayak fishing and have posted links to them below. Please read through the threads if you're new to kayak fishing, or even if you have already started, as they are essential.
There was a fatality this year at Seaside, Oregon due to improper outerwear. So let's get informed and make it the last.
Feel free to reply and add your POV in kayak fishing outerwear. Thanks.
Thanks for posting the links, I was reading the third while you posted it.
I don't plan on doing any ocean fishing soon, I'm going to get my experience on a few lakes and streams first. The info you guys discussed was very informative and now I have more of an idea of what to wear.
I thought about hiding my credit card for a bit so it can cool down from all my kayak purchases but now it looks like it's going to warm up again. At least I'll be around to make the payments.
Thanks again for being a great and informative site.
Yes, thanks for posting the links. I've figured out by now not to go out into the Sound in shorts & a tee shirt but still need some guidance. Here is what I currenlty have:
PFD Neoprene chest waders with built in boots & safety belt. This seems like it would be clunky and hot; therefore unsafe Various triathlon wetsuits Neopreen booties and gloves Full set of rain gear (for cycling)
It seems like I shold be able to make something from this ensemble work for immersion safety?
Thoughts? I just want to go fishing in the sound and come back alive:)
Just saw this. I'd wear whatever triathlon wetsuit seemed most appropriate, your wetsuit booties, and definitely would have the rain gear along to fight wind-chill. I wear a raincoat over my wetsuit for that purpose, when the chill factor starts cutting in.
Personally I would never wear boot-foot neoprene waders out in the Sound or Ocean when in a yak. Maybe if I was cruising shallow and just off the beach, and wanted to step out and fly cast. Although they may be the best and warmest for mid-winter wading frozen rivers for steelhead fishing, I wouldn't want to ever take a swim in them. In a yak, if you capsized and enough water got into your waders, it would be harder to climb back on board, and then you'd have to get the extra water out by going ashore or standing on your head or something. I don't even like wearing my breath able waders with surf booties out there. I only wear waders on my yak when I'm heading up a tidal creek, slow river, or somewhere else skinny and shallow, where I might have to get out and wade. In the summer, I can usually wet wade in the creeks and estuaries. Wetsuit or a drysuit seems safer for the salt.
Always wear protection from the sun's rays. I just had some skin cancer surgically removed from the side of my face yesterday, and got some other spots norched away with the liquid nitrogen. Back in my late teens and 20's, I lived on Oahu, and the sunscreens we had back then were not as effective as we were led to believe. They just gave us a false sense of security so that we fried our hides for longer periods every day.
I like the Nutrogena "Ultra Sheer dry touch" with "Helioplex" waterproof SPF 100 for being on the water. I've got the same in the SPF 45, too. I always apply it to any skin being exposed to the sun. I always get the backs of my hands and fingers, too, even when I'm going surfing or paddling. The tops of my feet used to get fried back in the day, too. Now I only wear sandals or flip-flops outside as "transitional" footwear when changing into or out of my wetsuit. I put my socks and shoes on asap.
My doctor reminded me to always apply sunscreen on any exposed skin when heading outside in addition to wearing protective clothing. Long sleeves, wide-brimmed hat, long pants, etc, and treated to have a UPF rating of 30 or more. She warned me not to fudge, but to be religious about it! You can buy pre-treated clothing, or buy a product to treat your current outdoor clothing. I'm going to have to do this, whether I like it or not. Or maybe just go night fishing.