So Spot called on me to fab up a nifty drift anchor pulley system that would work on either of his T-13 or the T-11.
Using SBD's anchor pulley design for his Trident as a starting point, Spot and I slapped together a working unit for his T-13. We used my T-13 as a test dummy just hoping the anchor pulley mounts would be a direct bolt on with his. By the sounds of it, Spot had no real issue mounting it up to his T-13.
I also stiffened up his original Cobra erector set anchor pulley with a few beads of metal glue. That thing isn't coming apart for a long time! ;D
I'll let Spot finish the update from here. :icon_pirat:
--- Quote from: INSAYN on December 12, 2008, 11:42:28 PM ---We'd still be fishing with a bamboo stick, dental floss, a rock, and a safety pin. :o
--- End quote ---
....and have a little round buddy named wilson?? >:D
--- Quote from: [WR] on November 09, 2009, 06:57:31 PM --- --- Quote from: INSAYN on December 12, 2008, 11:42:28 PM ---We'd still be fishing with a bamboo stick, dental floss, a rock, and a safety pin. :o
--- End quote ---
....and have a little round buddy named wilson?? >:D
--- End quote --- and probably a hell of alot more fish! I'm just sayin >:D
--- Quote from: INSAYN on November 09, 2009, 02:07:56 AM ---Using SBD's anchor pulley design for his Trident as a starting point, Spot and I slapped together a working unit for his T-13. We used my T-13 as a test dummy just hoping the anchor pulley mounts would be a direct bolt on with his. By the sounds of it, Spot had no real issue mounting it up to his T-13.
I also stiffened up his original Cobra erector set anchor pulley with a few beads of metal glue. That thing isn't coming apart for a long time! ;D
I'll let Spot finish the update from here. :icon_pirat:
--- End quote ---
1st, let me say again that INSAYN has some INSANE metal skills!
We'd exchanged a couple of messages about what we were shooting for and simplicity was the reoccurring theme. There was no question that SBD had already figured this out and identified the key parameters of the Trident drift anchor arm. So, rather than reinvent the wheel, we (and I use we liberally as INSAYN did all the work) pretty much copied the basic design with some minor tweaks.
The key design considerations already incorporated by SBD were the length of the pulley arm and the "kick" or angle of arm. The length keeps the weight from swinging into the tail of the yak and the kick keeps the weight from dragging in the water when not in use.
One thing we changed however was keeping the angle of rope much lower as it transitions from the pulley to the arm. This was done to limit the amount of slack line available when the weight swings and bucks during rough transit. Another change we made was to add a short piece of metal tubing just ahead of the pulley to further limit the potential for the anchor line to hop off the pulley.
BTW: We also learned that the rudder mounts for a T13 are not the same as for a T11. I was hoping we'd come up with a universal Trident pulley arm but it wasn't to be.
So, the T-11 has a bit of short coming when it comes to directly bolting up the anchor pulley based on the T-13 fitment.
Gimme a second and I'll figure out a fix.
Aluminum spacer bolted to the T-13 with countersunk screws. And then drilled and tapped this so that the anchor pulley can screw down to the spacer.
Problem solved! :icon_thumright:
I am amazed at how off centered that the factory installed well nuts are on the T-11 compared to the T-13. With the adapter (first picture), you can really see just how far off they are from center. The anchor pulley is actually centered quite well once it's mounted up on both kayaks.