NorthWest Kayak Anglers

Kayak Fishing => Heroes On the Water => Topic started by: islandson671 on December 13, 2011, 08:41:01 PM

Title: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on December 13, 2011, 08:41:01 PM
I've been emailing Jim Dolan and Hilanne Myers from Heroes on the Water. I'm currently finishing up my paperwork to start a NorthWest Chapter.

On that note, I'm hoping to get some support from my NWKA brothers and sisters. We currently have 3 SOTs and 3 SINKs, my plan is to use the SOTs for our Heroes and the SINKs for myself, pdw9mm and possibly one other volunteer for our outings. My only problem is that I don't have enough PDFs and paddles. If any of you have an old/extra PDF in Large, XLarge or whatever size that's sitting in your garage or storage collecting dust, I would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to donate it. I'm also looking for old waders/wading shoes, drytops/paddletops if possible. I have some extra stuff but, they are all in the Medium size. I could also use some extra Trout Fishing Gear (rods, reels and lures). I'll take what ever you can spare.

I'm sure some of you local guys would be interested in volunteering as well...Lee, Ravdakot, 2ndfloorYak 8)

All donations will receive a receipt in order to allow you to write them off at the end of the year.

I will post the mailing address as soon as I get the paperwork finalized and a designated PO Box which I hope to have set up by next week. But, I just wanted to plant this seed to hopefully get everyone in to their garages to start digging out that old gear.

Title: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: IslandHoppa on December 13, 2011, 09:09:19 PM
Great work getting HOW up and running.

I'm in discussions with a fledgling chapter in Portland. Hope to generate some buzz for them with Local NWKA crew.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: Quillback on December 13, 2011, 09:11:28 PM
I have a couple of pfd's (large & extra large) and a pair of Kokatat Tropos pants w/o feet (large) - never worn.  Also need to cull out some rods.  You can check to see what will work and take what you want.  Ready to transfer when you are.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: Lee on December 13, 2011, 09:13:23 PM
I'm glad you were able to get this going.  I attempted to contact him numerous times to no avail. 
I'll be willing to help out with events and bring along the Coosa and a paddle/pfd when I come. 
I'm really annoyed at the upper level management of the organization, but the cause is a good
one and deserves support regardless of the problems I've personally encountered.

Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: andyjade on December 13, 2011, 09:15:17 PM
I have some spare rods and reels and whatnot.  Not getting any use.  Be happy to send them your way.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on December 13, 2011, 09:25:59 PM
Lee I sent you a PM
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on December 13, 2011, 09:29:07 PM

I should have the mailing address set up by next week. I really appreciate the support. I'll PM you soon. THANKS AGAIN
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on December 13, 2011, 09:30:26 PM

I should have the mailing address set up by next week. I really appreciate the support. I'll PM you soon. THANKS AGAIN

Andyjade--same goes to you too. I'll be in touch soon. THANKS
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on December 13, 2011, 09:32:38 PM
Great work getting HOW up and running.

I'm in discussions with a fledgling chapter in Portland. Hope to generate some buzz for them with Local NWKA crew.

Ihop--I'm glad you were able to find a local chapter
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: micahgee on December 13, 2011, 11:00:15 PM
Dino, I got a extra PFD and an ugly stik to donate.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: Ranger Dave on December 14, 2011, 12:12:22 AM
Dino....I am a HOW of sorts. I am not a member of the organization, but flown out of Bagram Afghanistan (in support of the 10th Mountain Division and Operation Enduring Freedom) on an Air Force Medi-vac (2004) and medically retired from the Army (2005), rated at 90% disabled. At the same time, I was also cut loose from my civilian job with Global War On Terrorism (GWOT), because part of the criteria was being retained by the Army. I do utilize some of my benefits, but relinquish others, like Handy Cap Parking (despite being over qualified) for those I feel need it more, to include Veterans of all ages and Senior Citizens who have done their time in our great country.

As for contributions, I am also a long time Life Member of Trout Unlimited, having served as Vice President, Treasurer and Banquet Chair for annual fund raisers, prior to my deployment. I mention this as it would benefit you to contact as many manufactures of equipment, be it angling, clothing, kayaking or whatever and to do it as soon as possible. Also professional guides and speakers. I say as soon as possible because from experience, most have done what they can for 2011, but can guarantee you, are already getting geared up for the new year, only giving donations to those that ask, who have a worthy cause and as their supplies last.

It also probably goes without saying, but again and from experience, the sooner and more requests you submit, the  greater your success. Get the permission you need from HOW to use their logo as well as design your own. Get cards and letterhead printed (possibly donated) and stay ahead of others with requests...Good Luck Bro. :icon_salut: (wrong hand, but still salute your efforts)
Title: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: IslandHoppa on December 14, 2011, 01:26:29 AM

So many great ideas! Hope you'll join me in building our own chapter in Portocouvia...

Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: polyangler on December 14, 2011, 01:26:50 AM
Give me a holler as events are coming together. I have 4 SOT's now, plus paddles, PFD's, and fishing tackle. If I know far enough in advance I can usually get time off work to volunteer. You've got all my contact info.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on December 14, 2011, 07:12:18 AM
Dino, I got a extra PFD and an ugly stik to donate.

Thanks Micah. I'll text you later.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on December 14, 2011, 07:16:56 AM
Give me a holler as events are coming together. I have 4 SOT's now, plus paddles, PFD's, and fishing tackle. If I know far enough in advance I can usually get time off work to volunteer. You've got all my contact info.

Thanks Ravdakot! I'll keep you posted.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: SteveHawk on December 14, 2011, 08:57:38 AM
Don't have much in extra supplies but have two SOT's and the equipment to go along. One of them is extra stable and can be used for wheelchair accessability. Give me a call anytime to help with HOW.

Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: [WR] on December 14, 2011, 09:35:20 AM
Dino, All
Good luck.
If i have more than the very few days between returning from present trip and leaving for next that i think i will have, will raid my storage for items to donate.

Am willing to loan the program a very under used i9s if you want it.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: ndogg on December 14, 2011, 09:44:05 AM
Way to go Dino, I tried to contact them this summer to get them involved in Bass tourney, but never heard back from them.  Besides my time and a few fishing rods I can let folks use, I don't have much I can donate, but I will see what I can do through Next Adventure.  Once things get up and running let me know and we can try to get them involved in the Next Adventure tournaments.
Title: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: Ling Banger on December 14, 2011, 09:58:26 AM
I never heard back from anybody either. If any events go down in OR, I'd be happy to volunteer in any capacity. I make a mean sandwich.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: kykfshr on December 14, 2011, 10:42:05 AM
I would like to help too, PM sent.

Title: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: IslandHoppa on December 14, 2011, 12:51:48 PM
I think it would be good to clarify the location of the two chapters being discussed in this thread: I believe one is in the Seattle area, the one I'm working on is Portland based.

Hope to have more info next week if not sooner. The PDX one is affiliated with the local Disabled American Veterans, not sure exactly how. There may be a get together next month to kick things off.


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Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on December 14, 2011, 02:55:35 PM
Way to go Dino, I tried to contact them this summer to get them involved in Bass tourney, but never heard back from them.  Besides my time and a few fishing rods I can let folks use, I don't have much I can donate, but I will see what I can do through Next Adventure.  Once things get up and running let me know and we can try to get them involved in the Next Adventure tournaments.


If Next Adventure could donate some used gear would be really helpful. Its a tax write off.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: firebunkers23 on December 14, 2011, 03:27:24 PM
Being a post Vietnam Vet myself, 4 years of Tin Cans in the Navy. Anything I can do to help our Vet's, I will. I don't have much extra gear but I will look and see what I have. I think I do have a XL pfd I am not using, Ill check. Also being a Firefighter/EMT if I can help at an event in a medical capacity just let me know.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: Ranger Dave on December 14, 2011, 11:05:19 PM
If any events go down in OR, I'd be happy to volunteer in any capacity. I make a mean sandwich.

I've heard that about you Ling Banger  :3some: (Comeon Bro, you had to know that one was coming from somebody) >:D

And you got it Aytch, glad to help as I can.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: Jpcrowley80 on May 21, 2012, 05:38:19 PM
Just curious on the status of HOW.  Are there any events coming up?  I would like to assist if help is needed.
Title: Re: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on May 21, 2012, 08:20:31 PM
Just curious on the status of HOW.  Are there any events coming up?  I would like to assist if help is needed.
I'm meeting with the guys at the VA this week, one of my buddies works with PTSD vets up there. I was hoping to have an event set up for this weekend but it looks like it'll be the following weekend. I'll ask polepole if he can create a forum designated for HOW NWest. I also started a facebook page and will get a link set up although there is nothing on it yet since we are just getting started.

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Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: Jpcrowley80 on May 21, 2012, 08:41:06 PM
Thanks for the update. I think it will be a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: IslandHoppa on May 21, 2012, 09:23:17 PM
Way to go Dino. I just got the green light from HOW for the Portland Chapter to launch. I'll post details separately. Happy to receive any advice on getting up and running from your experiences.

Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: SteveHawk on June 01, 2012, 06:47:05 AM
Dino,  I am helping IslandHoppa down here in Portland and am thinking, since we are all on the learning curve, that we might join forces to get each group started up.  If you need help at your events please call, Once there I can watch how you set up the day and such. Take notes and help out where I can. 

Wobbler, (Steve)
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: funtofish on June 10, 2012, 06:15:11 PM
I know nothing about Heroes on the water... Where do you get more info... is it similar to the Wounded Warriors project? Besides running a Hobie shop I am also a rec. therapist/rehab counselor and my program is featured on the New Paralyzed Vets of America sports video and via other sources... check it out at ( and click on DISABLED tab... watch the first two videos on this page. First video is of me and my friend with a disAbility on a Tandem Island, second email shows a Hobie Adventure Island and Hobie 16 Trapseat at about the 19:40 mark.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: IslandHoppa on June 10, 2012, 07:36:45 PM
FuntoFish! Great site and awesome video of the trip in the Tandem Island (kind of wondered why you left the front Mirage Drive in?). I was really impressed by the portage! I have dreams of sailing my TI the length of the Columbia (over many shorter trips). Maybe we can meet up some time!

I'm Area Coordinator for the new Portland Chapter of Heroes on the Water. Any advice on rigging kayaks and other tips for working with the disabled would be great. Your expertise would be an awesome asset to any H.O.W. chapter.

You can contact H.O.W. through their website and look into starting a chapter in your area. (

Let's keep in touch!

Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: funtofish on June 10, 2012, 10:19:13 PM
I left the front drive in because sometimes Scott would lean forwarwd and pedal. We did not have the handcrank option for the trip like you see in the Paralyzed Vets sport video. We should have a couple sets built shortly.

I have worked with a wide range of persons with disAbilities... a lot with those with spinal cord injuries. To me the most challenging persons with disAbilities to work with is those with cognitive disabilities. Accommodating for a physical disAbilities is to me easy its those that are limited by their minds or a chemical imbalance that are the challenge. If you work with persons with physical disAbilities only they will normally come to you with all the knowledge they need to teach you what they need help with unless their disAbilities is recently acquired. So if you are not an expert on disAbilities then I would not take anyone into your program that is physically not stabalized medically or a year out which ever comes first... I better stop here... just call me as there is a lot to learn but there are way to simplify things.

Thanks for the note about the Heroes program... I will check it out.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: OlySpec on June 19, 2012, 02:30:22 PM
Sign me up!!!  As a USMC Gulf War Vet, I would love the opportunity to help out with this chapter or events.  Please feel free to hit me up.  You have my contact info from my profile.

Hope the PFD I donated from my ORC swag gets to be used A LOT!!! (I forget which chapter it went to, but same org)

Thanks to whomever gave me the HOW sticker.  It is now proudly on the back of my Jeep.
Title: Re: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: islandson671 on June 22, 2012, 12:12:12 AM
Hey Erik

It went to NWest (WA) chapter. I will post an update tomorrow night of everything collected at ORC. I will let you know when we get a larger event set up. Thanks again!

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Title: Heroes on the Water NWest Chapter (WA)
Post by: Jpcrowley80 on June 22, 2012, 08:40:29 AM
I'm not sure if you are looking for some contacts on Fort Lewis or if you already have them. I have the point of contact for the warrior transition battalion and also a guy (Chuck Tye) that puts on events with Healing Waters. He said that he is willing to share his resources if they are needed.  PM me if you would like the info.