Forum > Product Discussions

Goodbye, Ocean Kayak

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Goodbye Ocean Kayak, friend to larger paddlers and maker of longer hulls.

With the advent of peddle and power, your new owners have deemed you useless above 12 feet , overall.

Gone are the Tridents and the Zests,the Scramblers, too and anything bigger than the Malibu 2.

Apparently a canoe maker from New England thinks they know best for those of us who aren't slight in mass and vertically challenged. May they wake up one day, stranded on an island.

While I seldom wet my yak these days, my old girl still calls. " come, one last time, it'll be fun, just like the old days when we both were young."

Long I've looked for a younger sister of her lines and grace, to give my girl a respite from her age

Olde Towne , ye've  earned my wrath, some young MBA gave you convoluted fuzzy math.

Amen Brother.  Amen...

Thanks, Spot.

Wow, how things have changed. Sad to hear this :'(

Well, the upside to this is now my 2008 T13 will go up in value.  :headbang:

I feel sorry for all the recent adopters of kayak fishing who have only been in bargey motorized bass boats.  It's a shame they've never experienced the T13.  A great platform and the one that hooked me on the sport.


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