I'm going to work on photos next, as pictures are always good.
Here's a chance for you to tell me what to do after that. What all do you want to see on the site after I get photos working?
If anyone has any ideas on an NWKA logo, please do speak up as well!!!
Avatar uploading with auto resizing is now working. Let's see your smiling faces now! I know, it seems like a given that this stuff would work, but I'm celebrating my little successes in my new life as a website-designer-wannabe!!! ;D
How about photos of boats outfitted for kayak fishing here in the NW. Everything I see is of guys in shorts paddling out of San Diego or LA using live bait. A forum of outfitting photos would be a great way to share what works good here in the NW. Also, since some purely paddlers are coming over to fishing from their kayaks, forums on basic fishing techniques and equipment for the NW fisheries would be helpful.
Jim, is that you? When are we going fishing?
NWpaddler is right on. The first thing I did when I discovered ncka was to go to the rigging and HOW TO forums. The HOW TO is great for a number of subjects. also very important, I think, is a site for the OR. and WA. regs for the year. These things are or can be very daunting to some people not used to ciphering thruogh Govt. talk.