Forum > Drillin' & Cuttin'


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I came up with this one after trying the rod stub and big tip top. That was too long and bulky. This one works because of the rod guide that’s epoxied into the end of the PVC pipe. I cut off the guide’s foot, put the guide ring on my finger, and put 90 sec epoxy around the rim, then stuck it into the end of the pipe. That’s an old mooching reel and seat that was lying around. I spooled it with some 100lbs Kevlar that has marks every 5' or so. Each crank is almost exactly 1', but I really don't count because I watch where it is on the fish finder and adjust accordingly. I use a 4# ball that fits right into the cup holder molded into my boat. This one is still at bit long. I use it through the slot for the leeboard in my Hobie BigA. You can build whatever length you need by changing the length of pipe.

floatin cowboys:
So how does it mount to your yak, or does it just sit free on the floor.
I like the idea.

It's on the deck until I move the ff, then it'll go in a rod holder.

hmm, nice Wali, did you have this same thing for your anchor when we fished the willy?

I love your lo-budget approach to things...a man after my own heart..

Kinda like my lake anchor, but that reel is not strong enough to lift the 3 pound ball efficiently, i need to find a mooching reel like that or make something....

Yep, thats the anchor retriver/ downrigger/ dental floss dispenser.

 Is that like a Penn 209? That ought to lift a 3lb ball without too much grief.

And your model airplane roots are showing. I've been watching the buzzards  soaring here. That and the conversations about paddles has got me thinking about pulling out some epoxy and a foam cutter.

Speaking of which; have you built any vacuum bagged wings/fuses? I've seen a couple articles out there on building paddles using essentially the same technique. Won't save any money if you count the hours worked, but its sure more interesting than just plunking down a knot of cash.


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