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![]() There are many ways to catch Spring Chinook in Portland’s waterways. Many big fish are taken locally using various techniques such as drifting eggs, trolling cut plug herring, Quick Fish, Flat Fish and Salmon Spinners. However, my personal favorite and most deadly technique is using Prawn Spinners. They are deadly for much of the springtime run, and their efficiency in taking large salmon, increases as spring passes through. by Pelagic Paddler
![]() Heres how I decide to “GO” or not.. Keep in mind that these are just forecasts, they can be much better and they can be much worse. With experience, and access to several sources, you will get better and better at finding those “doable” days. Keep in mind if you only fish when the forecast is “absolutely perfect” you won’t fish much. Sometimes you just need make an educated guess and “roll the dice”, heading to the coast to decide if its “doable” when you get there. How-to article
Kayak downrigger fishing 101 by Zee ![]() Kayak downrigger fishing.. Now put those two words together and you’d swear that you’ve misread it. But the truth of it all is that downrigger fishing can be downright deadly with the right equipment and techniques. But why’d you even want to use a How-to article
Lo-budget Vanity Camera Mount by FishesFromTupperware ![]() Resident frugal inventor, FishesFromTupperware, writes on how to make a cheap camera mount so that you can take pictures of yourself and fish that looks really nice and clean. Fully stowable and sets up in seconds. Video included. How-to article
The Cobra drift rig by Spot ![]() Before becoming a yak man, my favorite fishing was done on coastal streams in the Fall and Winter. So, using my kayaks to access these waters seemed only natural. Necessity being the mother that it is, Fall found me knee deep in the manufacture of a drift anchor for... 05 Dec 2008 - Deep River Kayak Anchor RigOne the difficulties with fishing for sturgeon on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers is that you need to hold your kayak still in fairly deep (60-100 ft) water with moderate current. To accomplish this task an anchor system consisting of a large capacity spool, fairly small anchor line, and a quick release mechanism are crucial.
<img height="180" align="left" width="240" style="margin-right: 10px;" src=";topic=1018.0;attach=950;image" alt="" /><font size="2"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Report by </span></font><font size="2"><a style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold;" href=";u=150">Spot</a><span style="font-family: Verdana;"><br />
March 30, 2008<br />
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</span></font>Ignored the alarm this morning. Woke up around 7:30 and checked the forecasts. The ocean looked like it might be good but the weather outside had calmed and got me to thinking about Springers. My buddy sends me a text saying that he's headed out to surf the G-Spot and that I should come. But the weather...... No wind, cloudy but bright. The term "Bluebird Day" comes to mind. 30min later. I've hit nothing but green lights. All my gear is packed and double checked. Still a beautiful morning and I'm pushing 60MPH beneath a huge flock of Canada Geese. Sauvie's Island is waking up and as it flashes by, I know it's gonna be a good day.
How to build a simple drift anchor
Submitted by ZeeI'd tried drifting a few rivers this fall and I quickly realized that without a properly rigged drift anchor things could be dangerous very quickly. So based on a few other friend's designs I decided to make a drift anchor rig for my Malibu X- Factor.
Floating power supply
Submitted by coosbayyakerI saw this article even before I bought my fish finder. I figured this would be the best way to go for a Kayak setup. So the idea comes from there, I just tried to do it with some stuff I had around the garage already. Pages: [1]