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Topic: Brownlee Crappie Shootout 7 sponsors and donations  (Read 8069 times)

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Hi guys and gals, thought I would separate out the donations from the main post to keep the clutter down.

We appreciate our sponsors and could not have the event we do without them and you guys. Please consider these companies for future purchases if possible.

If you win some gear or use their products, feel free to tag them and the Brownlee Crappie Shootout Kayak Fishing Tournament on social media when using their gear. All I can offer them is a little exposure in return for a bunch of cool free stuff so anything helps :D


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Stealth Rod Holders will be donating a couple QR Holders to the Brownlee Crappie Shootout this year. Stealth Holders are easy to use and super strong. They feature a Cam Locking system to hold your rod in place to prevent your rod from spinning and keep it securely in your kayak. It also allows for easy hook setting with a single lift and set motion. This holder will work for all types of fishing from trolling to still fishing. Find them online at www.stealthrodholders.com/ or at an increasing amount of local shops. Thanks for the support Cari and Jason!
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 09:33:20 PM by jed »


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SKWOOSH sent two kayak cushion pads for the prize table. I have been using these for several years and find my self taking them along even on non kayak trips. The family likes them for bleacher seats at games to add comfort as well as a barrier for wet seats. They are foldable and compact and will easily fit into a bag or backpack for easy transport. Find them online at www.skwoosh.com/ Thank you Katie.


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Bob's Jigs sent a pile of samples for participants to try out. Bob makes all of the latest crappie soft plastic styles and continues to add to his shop. His baits are always top quality and reasonably priced. He can do custom baits as well. Shop Bob's at www.bobsjigs.com/ Thanks again for the support Bob.


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  • Location: Vale, Oregon
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PETZL sent 6 headlamps for the Brownlee Crappie Shootout prize table this year. This is a great company that produces safety gear for work and play. The Sport line covers lighting, rock climbing equipment, and all the safety gear that goes along with it while the professional side focuses on safety gear for those that work overhead. www.petzl.com/US/en  Give them a like on Facebook to watch their climbers achieve some incredible feats and everyday workers with awesome jobs with a view. Thank you Steven.


  • ORC_Safety
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NEMRods will be donating a custom rod build (Panfish or Bass) to a lucky angler. Nelson is busy with a growing family but said he would be happy to help out the Brownlee Crappie Shootout again this year. He does beautiful work on some killer rods. BallardBrad probably has a complete lineup by now if you want to check out Nelson's handiwork or on FB at www.facebook.com/fishNEMRods Thanks for the awesome prize Nelson!


  • ORC_Safety
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Rod n Bobb's sent a sweet donation to the Brownlee Crappie Shootout this year. A dozen of their 3 in one floats will be up for grabs. They produce top quality floats for every fishing style, situation, and species. Find them at www.rod-n-bobbs.com/index.php?page=home or at most local outdoor retailers. Thank you Danielle.


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Yak-Power sent a Serious Complete System pack to the Brownlee Crappie Shootout. I know some of you guys out there will know how to put this system to good use and really add some bling to your ride.

This is the specs on the unit www.yak-power.com/collections/complete-systems/products/yp-rp5cs3-serious-complete-system

Yak-Power also offers lighting systems and wiring components and full systems to make your next project easier. Check them out at www.yak-power.com/  Thanks for the support Jordan.
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« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 12:27:01 PM by jed »


  • ORC_Safety
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  • With a But like mine, you'd want to flaunt it too.
  • Location: Vale, Oregon
  • Date Registered: May 2014
  • Posts: 907
RAILBLAZA sent an awesome prize to the BCS this year. The Ultimate Kayak and Canoe Cart will make transporting your kayak to and from your vehicle a breeze. It can easily be dismantled for stowing while on the water or saving space in the garage.

The carts specs are here:  https://www.railblaza.com/products/c-tug-canoe-and-kayak-cart/

RAILBLAZA offers a wide range of paddle and boating products to fit any project you may be working on. Their motto says it all. Hold Everything... Find the complete RAILBLAZA line at https://www.railblaza.com/

Thank you for the support Taite.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 10:24:31 PM by jed »


  • ORC_Safety
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  • With a But like mine, you'd want to flaunt it too.
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  • Date Registered: May 2014
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Outdoor Emporium/Sportco sent a $75 gift certificate to the BCS this year. This is one of biggest sporting goods shops in the Seattle area and carries everything you are looking for to head outdoors. They have a large selection of kayaks and accessories as well as gear for boaters and bank anglers. The gifty is good in store or online if you can't make it out there. Check out what they have to offer at www.sportco.com Thank you Brad, Kevin, and Kayak Fishing Washington for the support.


  • ORC_Safety
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  • With a But like mine, you'd want to flaunt it too.
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Team Crappie/TTI Blakemore sent an assortment of their best crappie catching lures. These will work for many different species and a perfect fit to the tournament format. TTI Blakemore has been producing quality gear for many years and is always working to find new fish catching gear. Find their full line of products at  https://ttiblakemore.com/ Thank you for the great donation Ron.


  • ORC_Safety
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  • With a But like mine, you'd want to flaunt it too.
  • Location: Vale, Oregon
  • Date Registered: May 2014
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Lancer Jigs will again be a sponsor for the event. Up for grabs is 2 $50 gift certificates and a couple sweet hats. Not sure if the glow jigs will make it to the table ;)

Terry and Tony have built a devoted following for their jigs and I'm happy to say I am one of them. These jigs are my go to lures in the ocean and have produced some very nice fish for many anglers over the years. They are now offering soft beads and steelhead jigs and Tony is constantly working on new ideas. Super happy to have them back this year. Find them online at https://lancerjigs.com/ Thank you Terry and Tony.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 09:52:41 PM by jed »


  • ORC_Safety
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  • With a But like mine, you'd want to flaunt it too.
  • Location: Vale, Oregon
  • Date Registered: May 2014
  • Posts: 907
Bink's Pro Spoons sent some great prizes to the BCS 7. Included in the prize pack is an assortment of Bink's Spoons, a Denali rod, and a Denali reel. Both rod and reel are light action, perfect for crappie and other panfish was well as trout.

I know there are kayak anglers around Seattle that use Bink's spoons with great success and will be bringing their A game to the shootout.

Find Bink's Pro Spoons at https://binkspoons.com/

 and Denali gear at https://www.denalirods.com/

Thank you Kevin for the great donation.


  • ORC_Safety
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  • With a But like mine, you'd want to flaunt it too.
  • Location: Vale, Oregon
  • Date Registered: May 2014
  • Posts: 907
Werner paddles will again be joining the sponsor list with another awesome donation.

They offered to make the winner of their gift certificate a Hooked Camano or Shuna paddle in your choice of color or pattern. I will always promote having a top quality paddle no matter what kind of kayak you are using. I have seen random paddles break on anglers at the worse times and believe Werner makes some of the best paddles around. My personal experience with their gear has been excellent.

Check out their products at https://wernerpaddles.com/

Pic is from last years Werner prize winner

Thank you Ambrose for the local PNW support!


  • ORC_Safety
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  • With a But like mine, you'd want to flaunt it too.
  • Location: Vale, Oregon
  • Date Registered: May 2014
  • Posts: 907
Bioenno Power sent one of their LiFePO batteries to the BCS prize table. This battery is perfect for any electronics that you may run on your kayak and a charger is included with the prize. I have only heard good reviews from anglers that run this battery and will likely see some in action on game day.

Bioenno Power makes a wide range of batteries for many applications. They also offer portable solar chargers, panels, and mobile power packs.

Find your next battery at https://www.bioennopower.com/

Battery spec here https://www.bioennopower.com/products/12v-20ah-lfp-battery-abs-blf-1220as

Thank you for the powerful donation Kevin.

