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Seadoo fishing

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I'm tired of doing yard work on the weekends because the ocean is too rough or the winds are too strong or the tides are not right.   I also can't afford a boat capable of safely getting me into the ocean, where I love to fish.  So what do you think of using a Seadoo for fishing?  I haven't been able to find much information or many products on line, is there a reason for that?  What are your thoughts?  I don't need anything fancy like the one in this picture, but the ability to carry more gear, go further faster and get out on days that are not suitable for a kayak, appeal to me.  What do you think of this??

It's actually really common on the east coast, and I've been hearing about a guy doing it out of westport on the regular now.  I've been considering it as well.

I know there is a group out of So Calif that go tuna fishing off sea doos or other types. Some great vids on You tube, looks to be pretty fun.

I've been watching them on craigslist for a while and they are a lot less than what I was expecting.  I'm just tired of being side lined by rough conditions and the thought of being able to go further, faster and safer are appealing. 

go to YouTube and check out matthew dornin and Matthew Huntington. They fish off of SeaDoos out of Netarts, Depoe Bay, and Nehalem.

Watching the videos, I wouldn't say that they can handle rougher water, but they can handle surf better by running back & forth along sets and taking advantage of the low spots. And they can cover a lot of water quickly when conditions permit.


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