Forum > The Mighty Columbia

Targeting Springers on the Columbia

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Fred "True" Trujillo:
What can I say? I've got the itch! I was wondering how many have been out around or with the hoglines downriver that start in March and April?

I've been researching old threads and looking at the Columbia's depth charts to see where the best places would be to target Springers from Cathlamet to Drano. My flashers are ready (as is my secret weapon - still in the baby stages but I'm hoping to employ it by April), my line is new, and my hooks are sharpened. I might have to just walk down to the Hood River to get some steelhead action.

Stupid two-month wait!


Where exactly is Cathamet to Drano? I could provide some advice in the general Vancouver area if you ever made it down that far.

D rock:
Ive been fishing the Hood River from shore the last couple of weeks and have not had any luck. Granted I'm new to this type of fishing and don't really know what I'm doing. I have seen a few fish landed two weeks ago but it has slowed down with the lack of rain. Now that the river is getting more water flow it should pick back up. PM or  swing by the Kayak Shed and I can fill ya in on what I know and have heard. Drano should be getting some action for sure about now!


--- Quote from: Noah on January 19, 2012, 11:01:03 AM ---Where exactly is Cathamet to Drano? I could provide some advice in the general Vancouver area if you ever made it down that far.

--- End quote ---

I had the same question Noah. I know where Cathlamet is - about 1/2 way between Astoria and Kelso. Turns out Drano Lake is the impoundment behind Hwy 14 at the mouth of the White Salmon river near Hood River, so I am asuming that is the area he means.

That's a big stretch!

I'd be happy to show you around the areas around Vancouver I know, which isn't that much. In the spring it's pretty much all trolling. Hit me up in a couple of months.


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