Forum > The Mighty Columbia

Frenchman's bar salmon/ steelhead

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So I live close to Frenchman's bar and I see guys plunking off the bank and anchored up in boats all along that stretch....since I'm new to this kayak fishing thing what kind of set up should I use ???? I'd tell like to fish it since its so close and saw two fish caught today but just not sure how to start, I'm assuming I'll need to anchor up?.....any input would be greatly appreciated

I believe that salmon is currently closed.  Steelhead are still available.  Best approach is probaby anchoring up and sending down a small X4 or U20 flatfish.


I'd start trolling. Anchoring can be tricky and I know a few guys have lost anchors in that area. I'd steer clear of the bar too, snagging a few guys on the bank would not be fun. Check the main page for springer trolling 101 and just change the herring out for spinners or a kwickfish. K13 or k14 should work.

How would you rig that up?...I've never had a boat to fish rivers  ( I've got an ocean boat and have bank fished)  so I'm totally clueless of how this works in rivers ....I'm thinkin weight on bottom maybe 6oz pyramid 3' of leader to a triple swivel or one of those spreader things with a spin N glow off about 2' ???  what kind of spot do you look for to anchor ?

Thanks Noah, would you just troll up and down that area south of caterpillar island and back up to the down river side of frenchman's


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